In this episode, I speak with technologist, musician, and author, Jaron Lanier about technology, behavior modification, artificial intelligence and virtual reality and consciousness. We discuss the internet economics, his critique of free services, and how to re-think the internet, data collection, privacy, and paying people for their data. We also discuss the human rights and the nature of personhood. Jaron Lanier is the author of several books on technology and was one of the founders of virtual reality and coined the term. He also wrote a book on the philosophy of the person, "You are not a Gadget: A Manifesto". He has a long and distinguished career in tech. He began computer programming in the 1970s, worked for Atari in the 1980s, and later founded a virtual reality company. He has been a founder or principal of a number tech firms which have been acquired by Google, Adobe, and Pfizer. Jaron currently works at the Office of the Chief Technology Officer at Microsoft Research.
In addition to his work and writing on technology he is a visual artist and musician. He is a painter and a pianist among other things, and has large collection of unique instruments from all over the world. He writes orchestral and choral works and is involved in the the new “classical” movement. He also has written movie scores, performed with notable Jazz musicians, and his symphonies and choral works have been commissioned by the Bach Festival Society of Winter Park and St. Paul Chamber Orchestra.
He does not have any social media accounts, but you can learn more about his work at
In this episode, I speak with technologist, musician, and author, Jaron Lanier about technology, behavior modification, artificial intelligence and virtual reality and consciousness. We discuss the internet economics, his critique of free services, and how to re-think the internet, data collection, privacy, and paying people for their data.
Norbert Weiner On the Human Use of Human Beings
Skinner Box
My Review of 10 Arguments to Delete Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
Philosophy of the person shapes economy
With a perfectly defined problem algorithm works well, but types of problems that are perfectly defined - excludes real world problems
AI Ideology
Computer as collaboration tool versus AI becomes a new life form
Part of the problem is marketing: AI hides behind curtain, but it relies on human input.
AI not even a thing. It is people + computers.
Theory of Everything
one of my concerns is that our age is ideological and many people want a theory of everything. I talk about this in my episode with Glen Weyl as well
Jaron gave the example of String theory in physics as the dominant theory that allowed little dissent.
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Jaron Lanier TED Talk: How We Need to Remake the Internet
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now
By Lanier, Jaron
You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto
By Lanier, Jaron
Dawn of the New Everything: Encounters with Reality and Virtual Reality
By Lanier, Jaron
Cybernetics: Second Edition: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine
By Wiener, Norbert
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