In this episode, I speak with Dr. Anthony Bradley about his book, "Ending Overcriminalization and Mass Incarceration: Hope from Civil Society". Dr. Anthony Bradley is professor of religious studies and director of the Center for the Study of Human Flourishing at The King's College, Theologian-In-Residence at Redeemer Presbyterian Church—Lincoln Square, and a research fellow at The Acton Institute.
Dr. Anthony Bradley is professor of religious studies and director of the Center for the Study of Human Flourishing at The King’s College, Theologian-In-Residence at Redeemer Presbyterian Church—Lincoln Square, and serves as a research fellow at The Acton Institute.
Dr. Bradley lectures at colleges, universities, business organizations, conferences, and churches throughout the U.S. and abroad. His writings on religious and cultural issues have been published in a variety of journals, including: the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Washington Examiner, Al-Jazerra, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Detroit News, Christianity Today, and World Magazine.
Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in an Age of Colorblindness
John Irwin- The Jail: Managing the Underclass in American Society
On Eugenics, see Thomas Leonard, Illiberal Reformers
Introduction to Christian Anthropology:
Here is a outline of a talk MMM handout I give at Acton University each year that is a good summary of the key characteristics of Christian Anthropology
Joseph Pieper, The Christian Image of Man
John Crosby, The Selfhood of the Human Person , The Personalism of John Paul II
John Paul II, Love and Responsibility
Christian Smith, What is a Person
Emmanuel Monier, Personalism
On Community and Civil Society see Robert Nisbet, Quest for Community
On the importance of family: Institute for Family Studies
Ending Overcriminalization and Mass Incarceration: Hope from Civil Society
By Bradley, Anthony B.
Liberating Black Theology: The Bible and the Black Experience in America
By Bradley, Anthony B.
The Political Economy of Liberation: Thomas Sowell and James Cone on the Black Experience
By Bradley, Anthony
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